10 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started as a Coach
I learnt these the hard way
When I started my coaching business in 2017, I thought I was ready for being a business owner. I had been reading books and doing courses for years, plus I was a qualified accountant and I knew a fair bit about how businesses worked.
The truth is, I wasn’t prepared. Not mentally anyway. I had a lot of technical knowledge but I didn’t have ‘street’ knowledge about what it meant to run a coaching business.
In this article, I highlight 10 things nobody told me before I started, but that would have been super valuable knowledge for me as a new coach and could have saved me quite a bit of stress and worry.
1. Being a great coach doesn’t guarantee an influx of clients
There is an unspoken assumption that after you qualify as a coach clients will knock down your door to work with you — sadly, that is not the case.
A qualification is important and I’ll always advocate for it, but we shouldn’t confuse the skill of coaching with the business of coaching.
A coaching qualification teaches you the necessary skills so you can coach people, but it doesn’t teach you how to monetize those skills and build a business around them. There’s a…